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    王凡  东平  

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    2019-03-05 22:51

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红墙医生眼中的领袖们有声小说介绍: 著名纪实作家王凡、东平继《红墙童话》、《红墙医生》、《红墙警卫》“红墙三部曲”之一。他们是在领袖保健工作领或威望很高、口碑很好的佼佼者;他们也是常人眼里充满神秘色彩的特殊职业者。新中国成立后毛泽东的第一位保健大夫王鹤滨,新中国成立后周恩来的第一位保健大夫周尚珏,原中南海保健办公室主任,北京医院副院长马苏高,原陈毅等人的保健大夫、中南海保健办公室副主任力伯畏,董必武保健大夫王才,原中央保健局局长王敏清,原中商海护士长马晓先等。在他们的特殊视角中,新中国领袖们在纷繁的国际国内政治风云变幻中,在繁忙的党务政务工作中,在日常生活中,在对特健康与疾病问题上的真实状态是什么样的呢?这些保健大夫和护士长们审慎而说实的回溯,告诉了我们保健大夫们的工作职责,他们和领袖们的真实关系。这些保健大夫们对那些恶意污蔑和不负责杜撰的批驳,还有力地澄清了一些所谓回忆传播的流言和谬说。

Red walls and a doctor in the eyes of the leaders of the Audiobook Description: The famous documentary writer Wang Fan, Dongping following the "Redwall fairy tale", "Millennium doctor", "Millennium guard" "Millennium Trilogy" one. They are leaders in health care in a high collar or the prestige and reputation of a good leader; they are also the mysterious eyes of ordinary people special professionals. After the founding of New China, Mao Zedong, the first health doctor Wanghe Bin, Zhou Enlai after the founding of new China the first week of health-care doctor is still Jue, former health director of the Office of Zhongnanhai, Beijing Hospital, vice president Nicolas Massu high, of the original Chen Yi"s health doctor, Zhongnanhai health Office deputy Ren Libo fear, wu care doctor before the king, the former Central health Secretary Wang Minqing, the former head nurse Ma let"s wait for the sea. In their particular perspective, the new Chinese leaders in numerous international and domestic political changes in the wind to the busy party government work, in daily life, especially in health and disease on the real issue is what kind of state it? These health care doctors and nurse who"s back and tell the truth, tell the doctor who we care duties, they and the leaders of the true relationship. The doctors who care for those responsible for malicious slander and not fiction criticism, there are some so-called power to clarify the spread of rumors and absurd memories said.


